From years any knows what’s happening exactly in Chechen (breakaway chechen republic), Government Russian filters all informations and the journalists are not welcome in tormented Russian Republic. By 1994 there have been 2 wars between russian army and chechen army formed only by civilians. Chechen population is of islamic religion and chechen army wants to impose sharia, Russia doesn’t agree losing cechen territory and seen inside its borders an islamic State. Exists a web site, explains in detail or almost, what’s happening in chechen villages, sucesses and defeats by chechen army against “apostates”, in this way are called Russia soldiers, and all are against chechens. Chechen population lives in poverty, by years Grozny (Chechen capital) has been broken, Basaiev and other history chechens commands are died, but checen guerrilla is always more strong. They are 15 years that fight and they won’t surrender.