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Monday, 2 June, 2008

Transnistria the main threat of Moldova ?

Seems like that, a month ago 2 presidents of Transnistria and Moldova in a formal meeting started to establish a relationship of good neighbourhood. Now it’s not more like that, indeed, Moldova Government has voted a law (signed by same Moldova President) in which it’s said that Transnistria is the first danger for Moldova. From day of independence, 18 years ago, Transnistria has had an attack when in 1992 Moldova army crossed the Dniestr river, who geographically divided 2 States, to occupy some towns inside Transnistria. Population (with help of Russia army that was inside Transnistria) fought against Moldova army, defeating it. The invasion ended with a big insuccess. Never, Transnistria has attacked Moldova or its army has crossed Dniestr river. Transnistria wants becoming internationally independent, even on 1995-96 it asked to Moldova the union of 2 States and to create a new one, how happened in the past, Serbia-Montenegro, Somalia-Somaliland, Bosnia-Herzegovina. After 10 years, on 2007 was held a referendum and Transnistria people has decided for independence.

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