The News:
Wednesday, 20 August, 2008
Abkhazia is going to require international independence
Russia reject the draft of UN
The draft envisages the withdraw of russian troops at start positions, but the truce signed afford russians to stay between georgians and south-ossetians. In the text of the draft there is a referring about integrity of Georgia, but Russia says that neither Abkhazia and South Ossetia want return to take part of Georgia (between lines Russia would remember what happened in Kosovo). In brief the point is, why Kosovo can become independent with the consent of America and Europe (but against Serbia and Russia), but can’t become Abkhazia and South Ossetia with the consent of Russia (but against Georgia-USA-EU)? The fact is that in the draft signed by Cremlin there is a referring about the pull-back of russian and georgian army, but at moment russians stay in georgian territory! The situation is confuse and the solution won’t be behind the corner and Nato says that relations with Russia will change……….in better.
La notizia: … i/europe/7571506.stm
Tuesday, 19 August, 2008
First day of the Georgia-South Ossetia military conflict
The Title says all…………
Russian troops don’t go away from Georgia……..and chechen separatists could take advantage
The truce has been signet and many words have been used, but russian army has not intention to go away. According agreements, 2 sides had returning on point of start, before the war, but it’s not like that. To enter on 40 km from Tbilisi, it’s necessary a russian passport, that means that Russia is handing georgian territory such as russian territory. And this is a bad record, because it means that what France and its allies have done, it’s only trash. Russia is going to show to the world that it si a world super-power, but its leaders are thinking like 40 years ago, at time of cold-war. Meanwhile russians have discovered a weak side, passing throw North Ossetia to South Ossetia, they have left uncovered Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan where rebels and separatists are active.
Sunday, 17 August, 2008
Russia troops toward Tbilisi
Watch this video: