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Friday, 8 August, 2008

War between Georgia and South Ossetia

After that cease-fire has been rejected by osseti of south, during the evening of yesterday (August 7 2008), georgian army has shelled ossetian positions. There have been heavy fights between two sides and on talks about dozens and dozens of died.
Russians presents at border such as force of interposition accuse Georgia to be attacked, so they have launched an air attack against georgian army. Russia, during the night, has convoked a reunion at ONU, but USA and Great-Britain have stopped the decision about stop the war. South Ossetia is a region (Separatist State not international recognized) of Georgia, but this last wants that the region returns to be part of georgian ground.


The news:

Thursday, 7 August, 2008

Georgia offers a cease-fire to rebels of South Ossetia

Georgia’s President has invited to a talk the counterpart of South Ossetia to decide, improving and establishing a new relationship between both sides. It’s about a cease-fire and to undertake a pacific and resolutive way of the problem in the rebel region.


In the latest days there have been different fire-fights between georgian army and soldiers and local population at border of South Ossetia.

The news:

Wednesday, 6 August, 2008

Coup d’Etat in Mauritania, President has been dismissed

This morning Mauritania’s army has occupied Presidential Palace in capital Nouakchott dismissing the President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi elected democratically in 2007. All tv, radio and organs of informations have been stopped, army has also taken the control of points of major importance such as (airport, major streets). The official reason of all of this is the bad economic crisis that tights the country. A big side of the country has formed by desert.


The news:]

Tuesday, 5 August, 2008

In Sri Lanka 27 rebels killed. Georgia and South Ossetia holding talks

In Sri Lanka, in the region of Vavuniya, there have been fire fights and 27 rebels and 1 soldier have been killed. Since Sri Lanka Government has denied the ceasefire, has sent own troupes against Tamils.

Georgia and South Ossetia for the first time in almost 15 years have accepted to hold talks to arrive to a politic solution. At border of South Ossetia with Georgia there have been many fires of artillery, because the first thinks that will be attacked and occupied by Tbilisi’s army. Even though Russia is trying to do all possible to give weapons and control both Abkhazia and Ossetia, probably it will have not success because both are internationally considered provinces and not Independent States and autonomous.

Monday, 4 August, 2008

True China has come out !

True China and all its problems are coming out in these last years and months……… The repression for an autonomous Tibet, the continuing exploiting of the underground, the pollution in the cities, the attack by terrorist-separatist group East Turkestan independence movement (Etim) in Xingjang (Est Turkestan)


and how many other that yet occidental world doesn’t know.
China with products cheap, China of repression of the media and internet, China of Olimpic Games that search to give a different idea about its system is built……..could sink on itself. Today China should think changing own model to think and develpment!