It’s the final showdown, the start of last battle. The last, to controlling Mogadishu. Somalia lives now hours of standby of strong tension. Driven by African Union that sustain the Federal Transitional Government, 3500 Burundi and Uganda soldiers of Amisom are preparing to attack in a big style to get by islamic radicals of al-Shabaab the neighborhoods of capital conquered in last months. Group officially tied to al Qaeda has gathered the challenge and by days thousands of mujahideen coming from every region of the country are concentrating in Mogadishu, together with heavy weapons, tanks, guns, rpg and mortars.
The flux of fighters, according fews inhabitants in town forced to live in house in a major of time, is unrestrainable. They are arrived by trucks, jeep, old bus and vans. To control the terrain they already have launched a rain of mortars and of gun along the perimeter along the headquarters of United Nations forces. The blue helmets, armed with new rules of engagement authorizing them to return fire, they responded to gunfire.