Wednesday, 31 March, 2010

Twice attacks in Dagestan, one of Caucasus republics in North. Two explosions in Kkzlyar town have left on the ground nine dead and some wounded. Between victims also police chief, colonel Vitali Vedernikov. The attack follows of only two days the bloody attack in Moscow underground in which 39 people died.
The explosions are happened at almost three hundred meters from Police local building and Fsb, secret russian services. The firs explosion is happened during the passage of a police car causing the dead of two police men. Almost fifteen minutes later, when on point were arrived investigators and a crowd of curios was there, a kamikaze dressed by policeman exploded himself in the middle of people provoking other seven dead, including five members of police, a local investigator and a man.
The News:
http://www.repubblic … o_daghestan-3034907/
Tuesday, 30 March, 2010
As reported by russian invaders media outlets on Sunday, the Mujahideen of Idel Ural captured a strategic district 29 in the Bashkerian town of Oktyabrskiy Friday morning.
On Saturday, the Russians moved tanks, 50 APCs and military helicopters against the Mujahideen.
The battles in the town lasted 2 days and were still going at least on Sunday morning, according to some reports.
According to local residents of the Muslim town, the number of the Mujahideen which took part in the raid was about 16 fighters. The Russians said that they moved more than 500 soldiers of the KGB troops alone to fight the Mujahideen. A large number of Russian troops from police paramilitary units also took part in 2-day battles.
The News:
http://www.kavkazcen … 10/03/28/11728.shtml
Monday, 29 March, 2010

At least 34 people are dead with 37 injured after two blasts ripped through two packed metro stations during Moscow’s rush hour. The explosions happened within forty minutes of each other.
The first tore through the second carriage of a train as it stood at the Lubyanka station. An hour later at the Park Kultury station a second blast wrecked the second carriage of a train. The Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov blamed the attacks on suicide bombers.
The News:
http://www.euronews. … rs-for-metro-blasts/
Sunday, 28 March, 2010

Evidence of the massacre of at least 321 people in Democratic Republic of Congo has been uncovered by the BBC.
The killings took place last December but have not previously been reported.
Fighters from the notorious Lord’s Resistance Army raided several villages in a remote part of north-eastern DR Congo, killing and abducting children.
Human Rights Watch says this is one of the worst massacres carried out by the LRA, whose fighters roam across several countries after spreading from Uganda.
The News: … i/africa/8587305.stm

Five Pakistani soldiers and at least 21 suspected militants have been killed in clashes near the Afghan border, Pakistan’s military has said.
The fighting occurred in the tribal district of Orakzai.
It came a day after military aircraft bombed areas in the district killing at least 11 people.
Militants led by Pakistani Taliban commander Hakimullah Meshud are thought to have moved to Orakzai following a troop offensive in South Waziristan.
The News: … uth_asia/8588418.stm