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Wednesday, 5 May, 2010

Algeria: Armies of Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger preparing for an offensive against al-Qaeda


Big maneuvers against al-Qaeda in Algeria. Houndreds of soldiers partecipating to military exercises in the desert of Sahara for the launch operations combing in the areas where terrorists of al-Qaeda are hiding and where are traffics of smuggling.

Operations are also interested in the armies of Mauritania, Mali, Niger that have decided to increment number of their soldiers, in base of road map decided in Algeri.

The News:
http://www.ilgiornal … 20-page=0-comments=1

Tuesday, 4 May, 2010

Somalia: Who are Hizbul Islam?


Somali insurgent group Hizbul Islam seized the pirate haven of Haradhere on Sunday without a fight and pledged to take control of more towns in the region, the rebel group said. Here are some key facts about the group:

The group was founded on Feb. 4, 2009. Hizbul Islam is an umbrella organisation of four groups led by cleric Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who has been an influential figure among Islamists.

The four groups` leaders had previously participated in the Union of Islamic Courts administration of Somalia in 2006. The Islamists ruled the capital Mogadishu and much of Somalia in 2006, until they were defeated in Dec. 2006 by Ethiopian troops and Somali government forces. The Islamists have since regained control of much of the territory from which they were expelled.

The News:
http://www.biyokulul … t.php?articleid=2744

Monday, 3 May, 2010

Ogaden: Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) said it killed 289 ethiopian soldiers


Ogaden National Liberation Front [ONLF] forces have intensified attacks against Ethiopian troops. At least 289 Ethiopian soldiers have been killed in the last 10 days, among them many officers. The fighting took place as follows:

On 11 April 2010, a unit of Ogaden National Liberation Front fighters clashed with Ethiopian soldiers in Jerar province. Five Ethiopian soldiers were killed and six others were wounded in the battle. On the same date, Ethiopian troops stationed in Gosololey, Jerar province, suffered massive losses in a nocturnal attack. Also in Gosololey, two Ethiopian soldiers were killed in a skirmish with an ONLF scouting party.

The News: … iopian-soldiers.html

Kosovo: Vanuatu recognizes officially Kosovo independence

The Republic of Vanuatu recognized the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state, says the official letter of the Vanuatu Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade sent to the Republic of Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean with territory slightly bigger than Kosovo, total of 12,189km2.

Vanuatu is the 67th UN country that recognizes Kosovo as and independent and sovereign state.

The News:
http://www.newkosova … vo-independence.html

Sunday, 2 May, 2010

Somalia: Hizbul Islam takes over Harardhere town in central Somalia


The Islamist fighters of Hizbul Islam organization have taken over the control of Harardere town in central Somalia, just as the pirates left the town, witnesses and officials told Shabelle radio on Sunday.

Reports from the town say that more forces accompanied with many armed vehicles of the Islamist organization of Hizbul Islam had entered the town from different directions and formally took over its control.

Residents told Shabelle radio that Hizbul Islam forces seized the town peacefully as the Somali pirates vacated from it with out violence.

The News:
http://www.shabelle. … ews.asp?NewsID=13065