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Friday, 4 June, 2010

Djibouti: rebels of Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy (FRUD) claim to have killed three soldiers


Djibouti’s rebel Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy (FRUD) said Monday that it had fought off two attacks by the army and killed three soldiers, in a statement sent to Nairobi.

Last Friday and Saturday, “the army undertook two attacks against fighters of the FRUD in the north of Djibouti, near Bouya (close to the Ethiopian border) and at Eshatou Asmadera (35 kilometres, 22 miles from Obock), the statement said.

“These attacks were pushed back on the two fronts by FRUD fighters,” the rebel movement said, adding that two government soldiers were killed at Bouya and one died at Eshatou.

“Tensions are very high in the regions of Mabla, Moussa Ali and Bouya”, according to the rebels, who “impute the entire responsibility for this escalation to the obstinacy of the regime in locking itself into the logic of war.”

The News:
http://www.qarannews … ew&id=8190&Itemid=59