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Sunday, 20 June, 2010

Somalia: Fights between government troops and al-Shabaab islamist rebels in Mogadishu killed 20 people

Gun fights between Somali government troops and Islamist rebels in the capital Mogadishu has killed 20 people, including more than a dozen civilians, officials said on Saturday.

The clashes took place after heavily-armed, al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab insurgents attacked a government military base in Dharkenley district, south of the capital on Friday. The fighting was over by the end of the day.

“We pushed them back and killed 13 of al Shabaab’s fighters. We are still at our bases,” Abdiazis Ali, a senior Somali military officer, told Reuters.

The News:
http://somalilandpre … dishu-kills-20-16407

Friday, 18 June, 2010

Turkey: Fights between turkish army and PKK separatists kurds, 130 rebels killed since March


One hundred and thirty kurds killed since march to today: it’s the balance of operations of turkey armed forces in territories where Pkk has own bases, in Turkey and north Iraq: has announced it an official military turkish. Army has had also losses: 43 soldiers has lost life during fights.

Friday last episode: three “rebels” of separatist Kurdistan Workers Party have been killed by army in turkish province of Erzincan.

The News:
http://www.corriere. … 3-00144f02aabe.shtml

Kyrgyzstan: At least 2.000 death according premier Otunbaieva


Would be at least 2.000 death in riots broken up from June 10 in south Kyrgyzstan. Premier Rosa Otunbaieva affirmed it in an interview at russian newspaper ‘Kommersant’. Officially bill is 191 victims, but “I’d increase at least 10 times the number of death”, Otunbaieva said. (RCD)

The News:
http://www.corriere. … /1-A_000112997.shtml

Tuesday, 15 June, 2010

Mexico: War narcos, 43 people and 15 policemen killed during last 24 hours


Worsen the balance of violence linked to drug trafficking who has bloodied Mexico. After slaughter by narcos of almost 80 death of last week, during last 24 hours, have been killed more than 43 people.

Fifteen policemen have been gunned down in an ambush in Zitacuaro, in Michoacoan state.

Twenty eight prisoners instead are death during a shootout happened in Maztlan prison, in mexican state of Sinaloa.

The News: … articolo484069.shtml

Monday, 14 June, 2010

Kyrgyzstan: new fights between between kyrgyz and uzbek minority, 117 death


After three days of ethnic rioting that spread across the south of this strategically important Central Asian nation, many streets in Osh city lay in smoldering ruins on Sunday night.

The official death toll rose to more than 100, and thousands of refugees poured across the border into Uzbekistan as the authorities were unable to contain the murderous mobs.

Whole sections of Osh, where longstanding tensions between the Kyrgyz majority and the Uzbek minority exploded into violence Thursday night, were all but deserted on Sunday, and heavy black smoke still billowed from uzbek enclaves set afire by kyrgyz gangs.

The News:
http://www.nytimes.c … kyrgyz.html?ref=asia