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Thursday, 25 November, 2010

South Sudan: SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) accused SAF (Sudan Armed Forces) of air raid in Kiiraben, 4 soldiers and 2 civilians wounded


Southern Sudan’s armed forces have accused the northern military of carrying out an air strike on one of their bases, wounding four soldiers and two civilians.

“A SAF (Sudan Armed Forces) helicopter gunship attacked SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) positions at Kiirabem, in North Bahr al-Ghazal, wounding four SPLA soldiers and two civilians,” Philip Aguer, a spokesman for the SPLA, said.

“The intention of the SAF in this move is to try to disrupt the referendum process,” he said in a statement.

The leaders of north and south Sudan have accused each other of building up troops in the border region ahead of the January 9 poll in which southerners will be asked if they want independence from the north.

While the south is seen likely to vote for secession, the north would like to keep the country whole.

If confirmed, the attack would be the second time this month the north has bombed targets in the south.

The News:
http://english.aljaz … 124164126907518.html