Another round of shooting between a Burma Army unit under the control of Shan State South’s Mongnawng-based Military Operations Command (MOC) #2 and fighters from First Brigade of Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’ that refused Naypyitaw’s order to disarm broke out on Saturday, 18 December, according to local sources.
The incident took place at the same site where the first clash of the two sides had taken place on 11 November, Kunkieng- Wan Lwe, 3 miles west of Wan Hsaw, a village between Wanhai, the main base of the SSA North’s First Brigade, and Monghsu, at 22:30 local time and lasted for 30 minutes, a local villager said.
“A day before the fighting, we saw them [Burma soldiers] turning up at Harng Zarng-Pangwoe villages, on the way from Mongnawng to Monghsu, in the morning,” he said. “They then disappeared into the jungle again.”
According to SSA sources, it was attacked by a 51- strong patrol from Namzang-based Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) # 516.