Friday, January 14, 2011

Kosovo: Guinea-Bissau recognizes officially Kosovo independence

West Africa’s Guinea-Bissau has become the 74th country to recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Kosovar acting Foreign Minister Vlora Citaku confirmed the information to NKR on January 13.

Guinea-Bissau is the second country to recognize Kosovo in 2011, with Qatar having done so on January 4.

The News:
http://www.newkosova … y-guinea-bissau.html

Thursday, January 13, 2011

South Sudan: 4 Gatluak Gai militias killed and 26 captured in Unity State

Juba- Minister of Information, Dr. Barnaba Benjamin Marial confirmed that four Gatluak Gai militias were killed and 26 captured by Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in Unity state on Saturday as vote for southern Sudan independence opened across the region.

In a press statement at the late Dr. John Garang’s Mausoleum, the minister said the militia group aimed to disrupt the peaceful conduct of the voting.

He said that the government of Southern Sudan will not tolerate such behavior during this referendum exercise.

“If you are citizen or non citizen with an aim of disrupting this exercise, you should be informed earlier that once you were caught there will be no other solutions but to bring you to justice”.

The News: … atest-news&Itemid=67

Monday, January 10, 2011

Spain: Basque separatist group Euskadi Ta Askatasun (ETA) called permanent ceasefire

Basque separatist group ETA called a permanent ceasefire on Monday, Basque regional newspaper Gara said on its website, three months after the weakened group announced a halt to armed attacks.

The group, which has killed more than 850 people in half a century of armed struggle for an independent state in northern Spain and southwest France, has been crippled by arrests and a rise in support among Basques for legal politics.

“ETA has decided to declare a permanent and general ceasefire which will be verifiable by the international community,” the group said in an English-language statement on

ETA Declaration sent to newspaper Gara: … 0108_declaration.pdf

The News:
http://www.nytimes.c … html?_r=1&ref=europe

Greece: Anarchists of Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire announced creation of international anarchist net with italian Fai (Informal Anarchist Federation)


Anarcho-greeces insurgents announced to have accepted the proposal launched in the past by italian Fai (Informal Anarchist Federation), to create a “international anarchist net” designed to ‘armed attacks against regime’ in different countries.

In a document widespreaded on internet, Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire (Spf) affirmed that new structure will include national anti-authoritarian organizations that will can act also with armed actions.

The News: … html_1642266856.html

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sudan: Today referendum for South Sudan secession


The referendum is known as “The Final Walk to Freedom” - a symbolic journey for those who fought in decades of war, for villagers whose homes were bombed, and for orphans who ended up in US communities as the Lost Boys of Sudan.

The weeklong independence balloting starts Sunday for the southern third of Sudan - Africa’s biggest country - on whether to draw a border between the north, which is mostly Arab and Muslim, and the south, populated mostly by blacks who are Christian or animist.

For southern Sudanese like Atem Yak, who survived war, lived amid dire poverty and endured discrimination, it has been a long time coming.

The News: … om-in-Sudan-20110108



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