Monday, March 21, 2011

Libya: American official says Gaddafi’s progress stopped


Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s momentum has stopped and rebels have been able to hold onto areas that government forces had been poised to capture just a few days ago, a U.S. official said Monday.

The regime’s efforts appeared to have “stalled” as Gadhafi has declared a cease-fire, the official said.

The coalition is watching carefully to see if Gadhafi’s assertion “is a pledge or just words,” the official said.

An opposition spokesman said he already knew the answer, at least as it pertains to Misrata, a key city about two hours east of Tripoli. “There is no cease-fire in Misrata,” said Mohamed, who would not divulge his last name out of concern for his safety. “The destruction is unimaginable.”

He said the city, the last in the west under rebel control, has had no electricity, telephone service or drinking water for at least two weeks and was bombarded heavily over the past four days by forces loyal to Gadhafi.

La Notizia:
http://edition.cnn.c … civil.war/index.html



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