In a significant victory in the four month-long civil war, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) captured an important frontline post of the Burma Army in Kachin State on Tuesday, after more than 20 hours of fighting, according to local people.
KIA officers and local residents confirmed the Jan Mai post, located on a high mountain top in west of Loije in Manmaw (Bhamo) District, was captured by the combined forces of KIA Battalions 16 and 21, under 3rd Brigade and the People’s Army.
The combined KIA forces attacked the Jan Mai Post, which was manned by about 20 government troops from Shwe Nyaung Pyin (Waingmaw)-based Light Infantry Battalion No. 321, at about 4 a.m. local time.
Local witnesses said the post was abandoned by the Burmese soldiers.
The captured post is a strategically important position, being close to Maijayang, the KIA’s 3rd Brigade Headquarters near the China border, KIA officers from the two battalions said.