Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Afghanistan: Twin Afghanistan blasts kill 59 on shiite holy day

Two terrorist bomb attacks in central and northern Afghanistan killed at least 59 people and wounded more than 160 others Tuesday - the holiest day of the Shi’ite Muslim calendar.

The worst of the violence struck the capital Kabul, when at least one suicide bomber detonated explosives near the Abul Fazel shrine as Shi’ite worshippers gathered. The blast killed 55 people - including women and children - and wounded 160 others.

A second explosion, taking place on Ashura, targeted a shrine in Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of northern Balkh province, killing four people. It is not clear whether Shi’ites were the specific target.

The News:
http://blogs.voanews … -on-shiite-holy-day/



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