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Wednesday, 4 January, 2012

South Sudan: Hundreds dead in tribal clashes between Lou Nuer and Murle in Pibor town


Clashes between rival tribes in a South Sudan town have left hundreds dead, a UN official has said.

Government troops opened fire to stop about 6,000 armed Lou Nuer tribal youth from entering the town of Pibor in Jonglei state which is home to the rival Murle people, Lise Grande, the UN humanitarian co-ordinator for South Sudan, said on Tuesday.

Tensions between the two tribes over cattle rustling have mounted in recent months.

“There were more than a hundred children who were orphaned and unaccompanied,” Grande told Al Jazeera.

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Syria: Army deserters killed at least 18 members of President’s security forces in province of Deraa


Syrian army deserters killed at least 18 members of President Bashar al-Assad’s security forces in the southern province of Deraa on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

It said dozens of soldiers who deserted their posts at dawn came under fire from a police station in the town of Jassem as they fled with their weapons.

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Tuesday, 3 January, 2012

Ethiopia: Born new Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) splinter group called Jijirama-OLF


An OLF splinter group (Jijirama-OLF) created by Ex-OPDO officials has held a meeting in the United States and appears to have “amended” the OLF program to embrace Ethiopian federalism and reject the Oromia secession agenda.

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Ethiopia: Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) ends war and embraces the unity for Ethiopia


The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) has announced its historic decision to drop its long-held secessionist agenda and to embrace the unity of Ethiopia under a genuine federal arrangement that must guarantee the rights, equality and liberty of all Ethiopians.

In a historic press release, the OLF, led by Brigadier General Kemal Gelchu, issued at the conclusion of its extraordinary National Council plenary, held on December 30 and 31 in Minnesota, the front spelt out its new vision in an unprecedented clarity. The meeting was also open to any non-Oromo Ethiopians for the first time.

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Monday, 2 January, 2012

South Sudan: Born a new rebel group (SSPLM/SSPLA) in South Sudan that accuses the Government of corruption and marginalization

South Sudan People Liberation Movement and South Sudan People Liberation Army (SSPLM/SSPLA), emerged as a result, of marginalization of all the South Sudan political parties and civil society, failure to adopt a viable political road map which can galvanize and reward the Southern people for their victorious achievement of a just peace, the rampant corruption perpetrated by the SPLM-led government in Juba, neglect of the families of the martyrs in the war of liberation and the rigging of the people’s vote by the SPLM/A in the last elections and the SPLM/SPLA failures to delivered basic services to the citizens of the South. Also, the embezzlements of public funds by the clique in the government have encouraged us to take up arms.

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