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Sunday, 12 February, 2012

Burma-Myanmar: Army attacks Shan State Army-South (SSA-South) base

Clashes have broken out over a two-day period between the Shan State Army–South (SSA-S) and Burmese government forces after the Burmese troops attacked a Shan military base on Tuesday, the SSA-S says.

The hostilities appear to have shattered a fragile ceasefire which was signed late last year.

SSA-S spokesman Maj Sai Lao Hseng told The Irrawaddy on Friday that the SSA-S troops based in Mong Ping Township in eastern Shan State were currently engaged in battle with government troops.

“Clashes have taken place in the Mong Ton area,” he said. “Government troops attacked our base. The most serious battle was on Feb. 7.”

The attack came as Shan people celebrated the 65th anniversary of Shan State National Day at Loi Tai Leng, where the group’s headquarters is located.

The News:
http://www.irrawaddy … cle.php?art_id=23014