Wednesday, 8 February, 2012

Breaking news coming from the village of Sool Jogto has reported that militia loyal to Somalia’s former Prime Minister , Ali Khalif Galayr has attacked Somaliland military stationed in the outskirt of Buhodle early this morning.
According to the reports coming from the front line Buhodle militia accompanied by ONLF, Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya and al-Shabaab militia attempted to surprise attack Somaliland forces who were expecting the their attack thus resulting a heavy loss of lives on the side of the militia. This morning’s fighting is said to be much worse than the last month’s clash which saw 38 militia being killed and scores wounded.
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Tuesday, 7 February, 2012
When Myanmar announced a cease-fire last month with one of the country’s most prominent rebel groups, images of longstanding enemies shaking hands across a table were beamed around the globe and touted as evidence of further reconciliation in a country emerging from decades of military dictatorship and interethnic strife.
Now, three weeks after the deal was announced, the leadership of the rebel group is denying that a cease-fire was signed.
“We can’t say there’s a cease-fire yet,” Naw Zipporah Sein, the general secretary of the Karen National Union, said in an interview. “We still need to discuss the conditions.”
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At least 47 people were killed across Syria on Monday as regime troops attacked the flashpoint city of Homs and opened fire in Damascus, Aleppo and Zabadani, activists said.
“It is the most intensive shelling on Baba Amro since the start of the protests,” one witness told Al Arabiya by phone.
Military helicopters are taking part in the shelling of Baba Amro, which caused a number of residential buildings to collapse, Syrian activists said.
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Monday, 6 February, 2012
Afghan and NaTO-led International Coalition security forces captured a Haqqani Network leader in eastern Khost province.
The operation was conducted by Afghan and NATO and International Security Assistance Force in Mangso district of eastern Khost province two nights back.
According to provincial ISAF officials, a number of militant suspects were also detained during the operation.
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Sunday, 5 February, 2012

Terrorists across “Somalia” are gathering at the Buhoodle town of far south-east Somaliland, to establish safe-haven for their illegal armed operations across Somaliland and Ethiopia. Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), Al-Etihad Al-Islamiya, al-Shabaab and tribal militia loyal to Warlord Ali Khalif Galaydh are building illegal army in the town to destabilize the region.
Al-Etihad Al-Islamiya and al-Shabaab are internationally known terrorist organizations. ONLF is leading illegal and fruitless struggle against Ethiopia and violates the human rights. Mainly, religion is the victim of such extremism where it is been used as a tool to recruit the uneducated and young Somali boys in the terrorism business. These terrorist groups want to enforce Sharia Law in eastern parts of Ethiopia – mainly dominated by ethnic Somalis.
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