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Sunday, 4 March, 2012

Syria: Assad’s forces execute 47 army deserters dumping their bodies in lake al-Seeha

Forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday killed at least 60 people across the country, including 47 soldiers who attempted defected in a military airbase in Idlib, the Syrian Network for Human Rights reported on Saturday.

The bodies of the soldiers were then dumped in al-Seeha lake near Idlib by Assad loyalist forces, a local coordination committee from Idlib reported.

Elsewhere in the country, Assad’s forces bombarded parts of the shattered city of Homs anew and blocked the first Red Cross aid meant for civilians stranded for weeks without food and fuel in the former rebel stronghold, activists and aid workers said.

The News:
http://english.alara … 12/03/03/198371.html

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