Heavily armed forces from Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland have on Monday conducted major operations against al-Shabaab fighters in Galgala mountainous hideouts in Barri region.
Cabdullahi Mohammed Donyale, the security advisor of Puntland president Abdirahman Farole told reporters in Garowe town that Puntland has began this operations after al-Shabaab has shifted its guerilla-style warfare in Galgala, a small town that strategically located 40 Km away south of port town of Bosaso.
“I call on people in Puntland to stand firmly with the forces to avert attacks from al-Shabaab militants against government buildings and as well as civilian targets. al-Shabaab seem to bee regrouping in Galagal Mountains after they were defeated in south and centralSomalia,” he added.