Saturday, 7 April, 2012

Somali government troops backed by Ethiopian forces on Friday captured two strategic towns in the south of the horn of African nation after al-Shabaab fighters fled the area, residents and officials said.
The towns of Bur-Hakaba and Qadsax-dhere, Bay region in the southwest of the country fell into government hands without any fighting with al-Shabaab fighters who left the town hours before the troops entered, residents said.
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Friday, 6 April, 2012
National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (Mnla), fondamental component of tuareg rebellion in Mali, today has proclaimed the independence of Azawad.
Spokesman Mossa Ag Attaher ha indicated to want to respect “borders with neighboring states”.
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Thursday, 5 April, 2012
Mali’s MNLA separatist rebels said they had ended their fight to create an “Azawad” state on the edge of the Sahara on Thursday after achieving their goal, according the group’s website.
The rebels, battling alongside Islamist militants who want to impose sharia, or Islamic law, swept through northern Mali last week, pushing government forces from Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu, the three northern regions of Mali that the MNLA says will form the new state.
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Wednesday, 4 April, 2012
Somaliland army has transferred 67 militia men that were captured in the recent attempted suprise attack that Khaatumo militia launched against Somaliland forces but however were vanquished by Somaliland forces.
The captured militia accompanied by their commander are currently being held at Burco City Prison as they wait to be relocated to Mandheer Prison outside of Berbera.
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Monday, 2 April, 2012
International envoy Kofi Annan told the U.N. Security Council on Monday that Syria informed him its military will complete the withdrawal of troops and heavy weapons from populated areas by April 10.
U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said Annan received a letter from Syria’s foreign minister on Sunday with the April 10 date and indicated he would have preferred an earlier deadline. She said Annan urged the Syrian government to start the withdrawal immediately and move no further into populated areas, and “that commitment was provided.”
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