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Wednesday, 2 May, 2012

Burma-Myanmar: Kachin Independence Army (KIA) escalates attacks on government

A series of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) bombings derailed nine railroad sleeper carriages and damaged railroad tracks over the past two days, state-run media reported on Wednesday.

The Monday explosion occurred at a location 2.4 kilometers from Hsahmaw Railway Station on Monday, said the New Light of Myanmar.

The incident follows an attack on the same railroad on Sunday, in which several sleeping carriages of an express train were derailed by a mine blast at a location between Nantsiaung and Mawhan railway station near Moenyin Township, injuring two people including a monk.

The attacks come at a time when U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is calling for a truce between the two sides following renewed fighting which erupted in June 2011, displacing tens of thousands of refugees in the war zone.

The News:
http://www.bnionline … -on-government-.html