Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ogaden: 50 ethiopian soldiers killed, Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) claimed


The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) declared that it has killed more than 50 Ethiopian soldiers in a recent attack on the Ethiopian army station in the region, reported VOA.

The front’s Foreign Communication Committee member and head of Ethiopia desk, Mr. Hassen Abdulahi told VOA that the Ethiopian Defence Forces have massacred 18 peaceful Ethiopian Somalis and wounded 15 others in the May 27 attack.

ONLF launched the attack as retaliation to the May 27, 2012 attack perpetrated by the Ethiopian Armed Forces at peaceful Somalis at a place called Deboch Hiriso.

In addition to those killed, ONLF has burnt two vehicles owned by the Ethiopian Army and took control of various armaments and assorted communication equipments. The ONLF army also took control of the small town of Birqot until the army chose to relinquish it as a matter of military strategy.

The News: … killed-onlf-claimed/



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