Sunday, July 8, 2012

Democratic Republic of Congo: M23 rebel chief pledges to withdraw from captured towns

Rebel fighters in the Democratic Republic of Congo seized control Sunday of more towns in the country’s east, but said they would cede most of their gains to UN peacekeepers and police.

“We have seized Rubare, Rutshuru, Kalengera and Kako,” said rebel leader Colonel Sultani Makenga at Bunagana, the border post with Uganda.

“Even though we have taken these districts, we will withdraw and leave them to MONUSCO and national police,” added Makenga, who was wearing a regular army uniform with a pistol at his hip, surrounded by around 30 well-armed bodyguards.

Known as M23, the rebels are mutinous Tutsi troops who abandoned the regular army earlier this year in a dispute over pay and conditions.

The News:
http://www.france24. … hdraw-captured-towns



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