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Tuesday, 25 December, 2012

Yemen: 17 killed in clashes between army and tribesmen in Marib province


Yemen’s army Tuesday launched an offensive against tribesmen suspected of repeatedly sabotaging an oil pipeline in east Yemen, sparking clashes which left 17 people dead, tribal sources said.

The dead included 10 tribesmen and seven soldiers, said the sources, who added that the army offensive in Marib province’s Habab valley, 140 kilometres (87 miles) east of the capital Sanaa, was launched in the early hours of the morning and was backed by air raids.

The sources said the army was “randomly shelling” the area where some al-Qaeda militants joined tribesmen ranks in battling Yemeni troops. Marib is a major al-Qaeda stronghold in the country.

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Monday, 24 December, 2012

Afghanistan: 28 taliban rebels killed


28 Taliban fighters and Haqqani network were killed in several military operations in the provinces of the country.

These fighters targeted by Afghan and NATO forces while carrying out terrorist activities in the vicinities of Kandahar, Logar, Ghazni, Sar-i-Pul and Nangarhar provinces.

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Sunday, 23 December, 2012

Syria: Air strike kills dozens of Syrians in bread line in Halfaya town


Videos uploaded by activists showed dozens of bloodstained corpses lying amid rubble and shrapnel. An adolescent boy with both his feet blown off lay flailing in the middle of a road.

Dozens of people were killed and many more wounded in a Syrian government air strike that hit a bakery where a crowd was lining up for bread on Sunday, activists said.

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Saturday, 22 December, 2012

Mali: Islamist groups Ansar Dine and National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) agree to work together for stability in the country’s north


Two of Mali’s rebel groups have agreed to work together to shore up security in the country’s north.

The spokesman for Ansar Dine, an Islamist group that controls Timbuktu, and a representative for the Tuareg MNLA signed an agreement Friday in Algiers, agreeing to work to secure the areas under their control and try to free hostages. Northern Mali is primarily under the control of al-Qaeda’s North Africa branch.

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Friday, 21 December, 2012

Somalia: 8 killed in fight between army and Ras Kamboni fighters in Kismayo


More details are coming from the southern port of Kismayo where Somali government forces and fighters from Ras Kamboni fought yesterday.

Eyewitnesses in Kismayo, who spoke to Shabelle but want their names used in the media because of security reasons, say that the fighting broke out when fighters from Ras kamboni militias attacked a a checkpoint manned by Somali national army.

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