Sunday, March 17, 2013

Somalia: Al-Shabaab insurgents capture town of Hudur

Ethiopian and Somali troops who were in control of Hudur’s security for over a year left early Wednesday and shortly after, al-Shabaab insurgents moved in capturing the town.

Residents of Hudur had been complaining of the exorbitant prices paid for staple foods due to a siege by al-Shabaab insurgents in the surrounding area. Reports last month stated that the situation was very dire and that residents fled to other districts in the region due to the blockade.

There has been no reports as of yet as to why Ethiopian and Somali forces left the district, although some sources believe that it was a strategic retreat due to the conditions the troops faced. There are also reports that the forces will reinforce security in Baidoa where there are 26 members of the federal parliament.

The News:
http://www.garoweonl … _troops_vacate.shtml



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