At least 8 Burma army troops have been killed and several more injured following clashes with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in northern Shan state recently, according to KIA officials based in the area.
The hour long clash that took place at Magwi Baw Bum hill, near Nampaka , involved troops from the KIA’s Battalion 8 and a Burmese army column made up of soldiers from Infantry Battalion 130 and Light Infantry Battalion 504.
A KIA officer told the Kachin News Group (KNG) during a telephone interview that the fighting broke out following aggressive maneuvering by government forces. “Government troops intruded on our position in Magwi Baw Bum so we had to fire at them. There were over 70 in the column,” he said.
According to local residents, the Burma army wants control of Magwi Baw Bum hill that has been controlled for years the KIA. The hill contains lucrative coal deposits.