Sunday, April 28, 2013

Israel: Israeli Air Force strikes Al-Quds Brigades positions in Gaza Strip


Israeli warplanes launched three strikes early on Sunday on the Gaza Strip, targeting radical Palestinian group Islamic Jihad but causing no casualties, witnesses said.

Two air strikes hit the southern town of Khan Yunis, targeting positions of the Al-Quds Brigade, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad. The third was near the southern town of Rafah straddling the border with Egypt, the Palestinian witnesses said.

An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed the air force had carried out strikes on Gaza, but told AFP she could not give any further details.

The Israeli authorities on Sunday also closed the Kerem Shalom goods crossing until further notice after a rocket attack, the Defense Ministry said.

The News:
http://www.naharnet. … slamic-jihad-in-gaza



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