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Saturday, 21 December, 2013

Sudan: Army claims series of key victories against rebels in South Kordofan


The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) said that it recaptured Abu Al-Hassan area which represents a mobilization, administrative, and operations command of the rebel Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) in South Kordofan state.

The SRF consist of several Darfur rebel movements and Sudan People Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) which is fighting government troops and their allied militia the Popular Defense Forces (PDF) in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile states since 2011.

In a statement issued on Friday, SAF claimed that it achieved a series of victories against SRF in Jebal areas in South Kordofan and drove its forces out of Abu Domoa, Kujoria, Al-Waliat, Shingil, Al-Karko, Kiga Al-Khail, Kaling, Al-Higair, Habail, Um Baraka, Higair Sinaina, Al-Rokeb, Al-Dhiainat, Ambir, Higair Yassen, and Al-Garsha.

The News:
http://www.sudantrib … pip.php?article49271

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