Monday, 13 January, 2014

Government troops in South Sudan are advancing on the flashpoint town of Bor, the last state capital still in rebel hands, an army spokesman says.
‘Bor is still in the hands of the rebels but our forces are still moving towards it,’ Colonel Philip Aguer said on Monday.
Bor, situated some 200 kilometres (125 miles) north of Juba and capital of the restive Jonglei State, has already changed hands three times since fighting broke out in South Sudan one month ago.
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Sunday, 12 January, 2014

Four soldiers have been killed in an attack by tribal militiamen in Hadramout province, in south-east of Yemen.
Army post has been attacked near Chehr, military sources referred it, blaming a coalition of local tribes.
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Kenya’s military has killed more than 30 al-Shabaab militants and commanders in Somalia, a spokesman said, in a major air strike across the border following the Islamists’ attack on a Nairobi shopping mall last year.
Kenyan fighter jets hit a camp at Garbaharey in the Gedo region on Thursday, where the militants, who profess links to al-Qaeda, were holding a meeting, the military said.
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Friday, 10 January, 2014

At least 45 rebels fighters from four different brigades were killed today in a series of clashes in Homs, with the biggest toll coming during an ambush in a government-held district.
“They were killed as they tried to launch an operation to end the siege of Homs,” noted the pro-rebel Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The city remains divided between rebel and government-held areas, and activists have complained the rebel-held areas are struggling to get access to food.
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Videos posted online and reports from activists in the city said the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) fled, leaving behind hundreds of prisoners, including some who had been killed as they left.
Yusuf, a “citizen journalist” in the city, told The Daily Telegraph that 300 activists, journalists and members of other rebel groups had been freed from a makeshift jail in a former children’s hospital. Some recorded harrowing accounts of their treatment in videos posted online.
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