Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Syria: Army and Hezbollah fighters recaptured town of Maaloula


Syrian soldiers backed by Hezbollah fighters recaptured the town of Maaloula, north of Damascus, on Monday, military sources and state television said, further squeezing rebels’ supply routes through the Qalamoun mountains into Lebanon.

Islamist fighters, some from the al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, had taken over part of the ancient Christian town in December and held several nuns captive until releasing them in March in a prisoner exchange deal.

Government forces have recaptured several rebel-held areas and border towns in recent months, closing off supply routes from Lebanon and securing the main highway leading north from Damascus towards central Syria, Homs and the Mediterranean.

The News:
http://cyprus-mail.c … riven-from-maaloula/



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