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Thursday, 31 July, 2014

Libya: Ansar al-Sharia islamic militants seized Benghazi and declared an Islamic Emirate
Members of Ansar al-Sharia (Reuters / Stringer)

The Islamist militant group Ansar al-Sharia has declared Benghazi an ‘Islamic Emirate’ after claiming to have taken total control of Libya’s second largest city, seizing military barracks with rockets and ammunition.

The official spokesperson of the extremist group told local Radio Tawhid that “Benghazi has now become an Islamic emirate.

The announcement has been denounced by pro-government militia forces.

The national Libyan army is in control of Benghazi and only withdrew from certain positions for tactical reasons. The claim that Benghazi is under the control of militias is a lie,” Khalifa Haftar, a former army general, who launched a self-declared offensive against militants in May, told Al Arabiya channel.

Ansar al-Sharia formed during the Libyan Revolution of 2011 that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi.

The News: … s-militants-emirate/