Saturday, August 9, 2014

Yemen: 14 Yemeni soldiers kidnapped and killed by al-Qaeda militants


Al-Qaeda militants kidnapped 14 Yemeni soldiers returning home by bus from duty in eastern Yemen yesterday and executed them in what officials said was an apparent act of revenge for a recent army crackdown in the area.

The Yemeni army has recently sent extra troops to the Wadi Hadramout region in northeastern Yemen to confront attempts by al-Qaeda’s local affiliate, Ansar al Sharia, to declare an Islamic emirate in the main regional city of Seiyoun.

Residents and officials said people in the area found the bodies of the 14 riddled with bullets on a road near Seiyoun, three hours after they were abducted from a public bus.

La Notizia:
http://www.themalaym … y-al-qaeda-militants



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