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Friday, 19 September, 2014

Yemen: Clashes between Houthi rebels and army in different areas in the capital Sanaa


The clashes between the Houthis and the military are ongoing in different areas in the capital, leaving nearly a hundred killed and wounded, several news agencies report.

As of Friday afternoon, fighting has continued in Al-A’anab area, near the barracks of the 1st Armored Division, and in 30 Meter Street near to the Iman University, a private university owned by the Islamic Sunni Cleric Sheikh Abdulmajid Al-Zindani, one of the senior leaders of the Islah Party.

The Iman University is located north of the Sixty Meter road, nearby the residential compound of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi.

Clashes are also ongoing in Al-Hattaresh area near to the National Security headquarters.

The News:
http://www.yementime … s-in-the-capital.htm