Friday, June 26, 2015

Somalia: At least 50 African Union soldiers killed in assault by al-Shabaab rebels


Al-Shabaab rebels claimed in a statement that it had carried out deadly attack on Friday at AU military base in Lego town lies 130 km North-West of Mogadishu, killing at least 50 soldiers from Burundi.

Heavy exchanges of gunfire erupted after al-Shabaab militants armed with rocket propelled grenades and machine guns launched an assault on AMISOM military camp in south of Somalia town, witnesses told Shabelle Media in Mogadishu.

In an online statement, al-Shabaab insurgents said it had killed at least 50 African Union mission in Somalia-AMISOM peacekeepers in the ambush raid, adding that its militants entered inside the camp and battled with AU forces for hours.

On Friday, According to BBC Somalia service, At least 30 people including AU military forces, al-Shabaab militants and civilians were killed during the fighting in Lego military base situated 130 km North-West of Mogadishu.

The News:



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