Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pakistan: Fresh air strikes kill 21 terrorists in Khyber district


Fighter jets Thursday pounded militant hideouts in Khyber Agency, killing at least 21 terrorists and injuring several others, Samaa reported Thursday.

The strikes were carried out late Thursday in the Rajgal and Tirah areas of the Khyber tribal district.

“Twenty-one terrorists were killed in precise aerial strikes last night in remote areas of Rajgal and Tirah,” the military said in a brief statement.

The strikes are part of a major offensive to clear Taliban and Al-Qaeda strongholds that began last year in North Waziristan.

The military began an offensive in Khyber in October 2014, carrying out air strikes and using artillery, mortars and ground troops.

The News: … ts-in-khyber-agency/



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