Thursday, November 26, 2015

South Sudan: New rebel faction South Sudan People’s Patriotic Front (SSPPF) seeks alliance against government


A new South Sudanese rebel faction in Western Equatoria state has unveiled its strategic objectives and for forming an alliance with other rebel groups operating in the area and in the country to remove from power the government of president Salva Kiir.

The group calling itself South Sudan People’s Patriotic Front (SSPPF) issued a statement on Monday declaring its formation and selection of political and military leadership.

Former outspoken Western Equatoria state minister of information, Charles Barnaba Kisanga, was named the head of the political wing of the group and Alfred Futiyo Karaba as the overall military commander of the forces composed mainly of the armed youth, popularly known as the Arrow Boys.

The News:
http://www.sudantrib … pip.php?article57150



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