Sunday, December 20, 2015

Libya: Fighting continue in Ajdabiya between Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shoura Council (ARSC) militants and Libyan National Army (LNA)


Despite an announcement yesterday by Ajdabiya mayor Salem Jedhran that a ceasefire had been agreed by Islamist militants from the Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shoura Council (ARSC), and supporters of the Libyan National Army (LNA) who have been fighting in the town since Wednesday, clashes continued today.

According to a local souce, the LNA forces this afternoon were claiming that they had killed a top ARSC whom they named named as Ahmed Al-Zwai and whom they alleged had been involved in the recent wave of assassinations in the town.

Efforts by local elders from local tribes and those from elsewhere in the country to mediate a truce are said to be continuing.

The News:
https://www.libyaher … ntinues-in-ajdabiya/



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