Monday, December 21, 2015

Afghanistan: Taliban forces take control of key district of Sangin in Helmand province


Taliban forces have taken almost full control of a key district in Afghanistan’s southern Helmand province after several days of fierce fighting, a police official told CNN on Monday.

The Taliban took over the entire district except for the police chief’s compound and another compound where a battalion of Afghan National Army is based in, according to Mohammad Dawood, the police chief of Sangin district in the province.

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Israel: Israel shells southern Lebanon after rocket attacks


Israeli has attacked targets in southern Lebanon with artillery fire and flown warplanes over the capital Beirut in retaliation for three rockets being fired into northern Israel from Lebanese territory.

The exchange came after an Israeli air strike killed a Lebanese Hezbollah operative in the Syrian capital Damascus on Saturday.

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Libya: Fighting continue in Ajdabiya between Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shoura Council (ARSC) militants and Libyan National Army (LNA)


Despite an announcement yesterday by Ajdabiya mayor Salem Jedhran that a ceasefire had been agreed by Islamist militants from the Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shoura Council (ARSC), and supporters of the Libyan National Army (LNA) who have been fighting in the town since Wednesday, clashes continued today.

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Yemen: At least 68 killed in north Yemen clashes


Negotiators taking part in Yemen peace talks in Switzerland agreed Saturday to create a “neutral” committee to monitor the country’s crumbling ceasefire even as at least 68 people were killed on the ground, a source close to the talks said.

“There is an understanding over forming a neutral military committee tasked with monitoring the ceasefire,” a source close to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi’s government delegation said.

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Afghanistan: Afghan forces retake control of Khanshin district in Helmand province


The Afghan national security forces have retaken control of Khanshin district in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan, security officials said Friday.

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) officials announced earlier today that the Afghan forces seized control of Khanshin district from Taliban militants this morning.

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