Saturday, December 19, 2015

Pakistan: Airstrikes near Afghan border kill 23 militants


Pakistani fighter jets killed 23 militants on Friday (Dec 18) in airstrikes carried out in the country’s remote tribal belt near the Afghan border, the military said in a statement.

The strikes were in the Shawal area of North Waziristan and Khyber tribal district, it said. “As a result of precise air strikes, six terrorists’ hideouts were destroyed in which 23 terrorists were killed and more than 10 injured,” the statement said.

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Turkey: Turkish forces kill 54 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants in intense clashes


Turkish security forces have killed 54 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants over three days of operations in the country’s southeast, a local broadcaster reported Friday.

The military counter-terrorist operations were conducted in Sirnak Province, targeting the towns of Silopi and Cizre, according to security sources quoted by the channel A Haber.

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Iraq: Islamic State (IS) militants attack Turkish troops in northern Iraq


Islamic State (IS) militants have assaulted the Bashiq military camp in north east of Mosul where Turkish military advisors are training Iraqi Sunni forces.

On Wednesday December 16th, heavy clashes took place between IS insurgents and Sunni National Mobilization Forces (Hashd al-Watani) in Bashiq. Turkish troops, present at the area to protect Turkish military advisors, took part in the fighting to repel the jihadists.

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Libya: Libya’s rival governments finally sign UN peace deal


Libya’s Tobruk and Tripoli-based parliaments on Thursday finally signed a UN-sponsored peace deal following extended talks in Morocco, Associated Press reports.

Supporters of the deal are eager to implement a ceasefire following the agreement.

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Mali: Ansar Dine extremist group attacked a military barracks in Nione in north


An organization that tracks jihadi websites says al-Qaeda’s North Africa branch has reported that extremist group Ansar Dine has attacked a military barracks in Mali’s north.

SITE Intelligence Group says that al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb posted the report on its Twitter account late Tuesday. It says that the attack in the city of Nione in the Segou region wounded and killed soldiers, and weapons were taken.

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