Friday, January 22, 2016

Somalia: Al-Shabaab terrorists attack restaurant-hotel killing at least 20 people in Mogadishu


At least 20 people died and 17 were wounded after a suicide car bomber and gunmen attacked a beachside restaurant-hotel in the capital of Somalia, authorities said. Six attackers were also killed.

Government forces fought a gun battle with the the attackers, who were identified as members of the al-Shabaab terror group. The country’s security minister said the alleged commander of the attack was captured alive by security forces. The commander was not named.

“This is a barbaric act and we condemn this act,” government spokesman Abdisalam Aato said. “Al Shabaab is trying to disrupt the peace and Somalis will not stand for it. We will not be intimidated.”

The News:
http://edition.cnn.c … ca/somalia-violence/



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