Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sudan: New Justice and Equality Movement (NJEM) rebels join dialogue process with Sudanese Government


The New Justice and Equality Movement (NJEM), a breakaway faction from the mother rebel group Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) that fights the Sudanese Government in Darfur, has declared it was joining the ongoing national dialogue after Khartoum had consented to a number of preconditions it set earlier.

NJEM leader Mansour Arbab Younis said the Sudanese government “accepted most of the conditions the movement had put forward , foremost the extension of the ceasefire and the extension of the national dialogue duration, to allow others to join the dialogue initiative”.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Afghanistan: Taliban militants capture Islamic State (IS) bases in Nangarhar province


Fierce clashes have reportedly erupted between Taliban and Islamic State (IS) fighters in eastern Afghanistan, leaving dozens of people dead on both sides.

Afghan police reported Tuesday the fighting in the remote Batikot and Chaparhar districts of Nangarhar province, which borders Pakistan, began after hundreds of Taliban insurgents mounted a big attack on IS bases earlier this week.

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Burma-Myanmar: Burma army attacks Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army-South (RCSS/SSA-S) rebels in eastern Shan State


A clash between the Burma Army and the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army-South (RCSS/SSA-S) on New Year’s Eve marked the first outbreak of conflict between government forces and an ethnic armed group signatory to the country’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).

According to an RCSS/SSA-S spokesperson, fighting occurred at about 1 p.m. on December 31 in Mong Peng Township in eastern Shan State’s Kengtung District. The clash allegedly lasted one hour and involved the Burma Army Battalion No. 278 and RCSS/SSA-S troops.

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Libya: Islamic State (IS) group claims capture of town of Ben Jawad amid clashes with guards at oil terminal of Es Sider


The Islamic State (IS) group has captured the Libyan town of Ben Jawad, close to the country’s vital oil ports, the militants said Monday.

The ultra-hardline group, which has taken advantage of years of chaos to grab territory in Libya, made the claim in an online statement. There was no one from Libya’s authorities immediately available to comment on the town’s capture.

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Mexico: Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) marks its 22nd anniversary


The fight’s not over, says the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), which celebrated its 22nd anniversary yesterday with events in Oventic, Chiapas.

In a statement, the revolutionary organization said its indigenous communities have neither the new digital televisions given away by the federal government, nor late-model vehicles and concrete homes.

But their residents have a better quality of life than those “who have sold themselves” to the different political parties.

It was on January 1, 1994 that the ELZN, under the leadership of Subcommander Marcos, took up arms in its war “against the Mexican state.” Armed rebels seized several towns and cities in Chiapas.

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