Sunday, February 21, 2016

Mozambique: Clashes between Government forces and Renamo militants in Tete province, thousands of refugees toward Malawi


More than 6,000 Mozambicans have fled to neighboring Malawi since mid-December to escape clashes between government forces and armed militants of the main opposition party Renamo, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency.

Most of the refugees are coming from the western coal-mining province of Tete, where government forces are battling armed militia of the Mozambique National Resistance, or Renamo, Tina Ghelli, UNHCR’s spokeswoman for southern Africa, said by phone on Friday from Pretoria, the South African capital.

“The number of people fleeing Mozambique has been increasing because of the clashes between Renamo and government forces,” Ghelli said. “The asylum seekers told us this.”

The News:
http://www.maravipos … ees-into-malawi.html



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