Sunday, March 20, 2016

Burma-Myanmar: Army launches air strikes against Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) rebels


Since the beginning of March the Burma Army has launched 15 offensives, many with jet fighters and helicopter gunships, against the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Kyaukme District, northern Shan State.

The TNLA Information Department said that the Burma Army launched four airstrikes on 6 March, four on 8 March and three on 10 March, all involved the use of fighter jets. Fighting also broke out on other days.

There was also an alleged airstrike on the hill where the TNLA’s command base is located in Kyaukme District.

The TNLA Information Officer Tar Pan Hla said that the Burma Army had sent thousands of troops to reinforce their seven Light Infantry Divisions (LIDs), seven Military Operation Commands (MOCs) and Regional Operations Commands (ROCs) in northern Shan State and that they had subsequently launched offensives against the TNLA.

The News: … es-against-tnla.html



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