Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sudan: Sudanese warplanes carry out intensified air attacks on Sudan People’s Liberation Movement - North (SPLM-N) rebels in South Kordofan


The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement - North (SPLM-N) Monday said the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) warplanes continue to carry out air attacks on the rebel controlled areas, adding the bombing killed one child and wounded several civilians.

“SAF “Air Force continues to target unarmed civilians, their properties And service facilities in remote areas far from its ground operations sites in South Kordofan / Nuba Mountains,” said SPLM-N spokesperson Arnu Ngutulu Lodi in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Monday evening.

He pointed that a MiG fighter bomber aircraft, on Sunday afternoon dropped four bombs on Upper Komo village, adding that one bomb destroyed partially the Hakima Institute for Medical Training while the three others killed a 16-year old girl and wounded six other people.

The News:
http://sudantribune. … pip.php?article58530



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