Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sudan: Sudan Liberation Movement - Abdel Wahid al-Nur (SLM-AW) rebels say still controlling Jebel Marra area


The Sudan Liberation Movement - Abdel Wahid al-Nur (SLM-AW) Wednesday denied statements by Sudanese army and Central Darfur government about the seizure of Sroung, the last rebel stronghold in Jebel Marra area.

The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) spokesperson Tuesday issued a statement announcing that it managed to retake, Sroung located north-west of Jebel Marra. Several days before, the Central Darfur state issued a detailed statement mentioning the capture of Tekno and Keiwi before.

“The Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) fighters repelled with courage and determination the assailant forces and militias, and inflected upon them heavy losses in men and materiel in all the areas of fighting.

“The National Congress forces and militia failed to penetrate into any strategic area held by the Movement despite the heavy air and artillery attacks day and night,” said SLM-AW military spokesperson Shihab al-Din Ahmed Hagar.

The News:
http://sudantribune. … pip.php?article58626



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