Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Yemen: Houthi rebels agree to join delayed peace talks in Kuwait


Yemen’s Houthi rebels and their allies have agreed to join delayed UN-brokered peace talks in Kuwait, their representatives said on Wednesday.

The rebels agreed to join the talks after receiving assurances from the UN envoy and ambassadors that a ceasefire in effect since 11 April would be respected by loyalist forces, the rebels’ Al-Masirah television quoted Houthi representative Saleh al-Sammad as saying.

Mahdi al-Mashat, a representative of rebel leader Abdulmalik al-Huthi, said the rebels had been assured that the agenda for the talks would be “clear and tackle issues that could help achieve peaceful solutions”.

Writing on Facebook, Mashat warned however that “we will have the right to suspend our participation” if the assurances are not met.

The News:
http://www.middleeas … ks-kuwait-1891067940



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