Monday, April 25, 2016

Colombia: Clashes between ELN rebels, neo-paramilitary rivals Los Urabenos and army displace 3,000 people in west Colombia


More than 3,000 people have been displaced in western Colombia amid fighting between left-wing ELN rebels, their neo-paramilitary rivals “Los Urabeños” and the army, according to authorities.

The Ombudsman’s Office and the United Nations reported that the people mainly of indigenous and of African descent were forced to leave their homes in the Choco province following the recent outbreak of hostilities between the two rival groups.

“There were more than 3,000 people displaced by the recent impact of armed conflict,” reported the Ombudsman from the rural coastal area of San Juan, located in the jungle in the troubled western province.

While many of the displaced were reported to have returned home as combat passed, an estimated 500 remain stranded away from their homes as a result of the violence.

The Urabeños, who call themselves the “Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia” (AGC) have become increasingly active engaging in widespread attacks across the country over the past few months.

The News:
http://colombiarepor … lashes-eln-urabenos/



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