Saturday, July 23, 2016

Syria: Violent clashes between Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Islamic State (ISIS) in Manbij, 8 ISIS militants killed

A Kurdish member of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Manbij. Photo: Delil Souleiman/AFP

After a brief break in fighting in Manbij, clashes resumed Friday morning between Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Islamic State (ISIS) militants, killing at least eight ISIS members.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights described the clashes as “violent between both parties inside Manbij city, accompanied by shelling exchange between both parties.”

At least eight ISIS militants were killed in the shelling, reported the Observatory, noting that there were an unknown number of casualties within the SDF as well.

About 200 civilians were able to flee the city Friday morning, the Observatory said, but “a woman in her twenties was killed by a mine explosion while trying to get her children out of the city.”

The News: … east/syria/220720162



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