Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Syria: Abu Muhammad al-Adnani Islamic State spokesman and strategist killed by U.S. airstrike


The public face of Islamic State’s worldwide propaganda campaign and the commander responsible for the organization’s attacks against Europe and elsewhere has been killed, the terror group announced Tuesday.

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, a founding members of the brutal jihadi movement, was killed in northern Syria’s Aleppo province, according to a tweet sent out by the Amaq Agency, the group’s online propaganda operation.

The Islamic State message only acknowledged that Adnani was killed “while surveying the operations to repel military campaigns” in the northern Syrian province.

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook confirmed in a statement issued Tuesday that Adnani was the target of a U.S. airstrike near al-Bab in Aleppo, though the Defense Department declined to confirm Adnani’s death, saying U.S. officials were still assessing the results of the strike.

The News:
http://www.washingto … kesman-and-strategi/



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